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23 Holiday Destinations for Solo Travelers - Safe Places for Singles, Females


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in summer some places to go the best places to travel in september best countries to vacation in the best places to go travelling best destination place places to visit this season best place go places to go on trip best places to stay in september best states to travel in september great places to vacation in september best place to for vacation best summer vacation locations best countries to go in september summer vacation countries best countries to go to in september destinations to visit in september great states to travel to the best places to visit in september best places to vacation in the best states to travel to best vacation spots to visit best destination spots best places to go july best place to summer vacation best places to vacation september best states to travel to in the summer best place to visit in vacation places to stay in september the best country for travel best place to go for places to visit during summer vacation vacation spots in the states best vacation 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best states to visit september best spots for summer vacation great travel locations great places for summer vacation best place to go to in september best places visit in july destination places to visit places to go on vacation in july places visit in summer best place for travel in september best travel spots in september best places to visit in the country best places to go on vacation this summer places to go this july places to vacation in destination to visit in july best travel locations in september best destinations to go in september september tours places to go to in visiting places in september places to go on vacation this summer countries to travel in september places to stay in july best place for vacation in summer best places to go for vacation in september great places to travel in the summer the places to visit places to go to in july best places for travel in september best to visit in september greatest countries to visit great states to visit in the summer a vacation spot places to travel to during summer best place to visit for summer vacation the best summer vacation places best places to travel vacation places to go to in september best countries to visit on vacation best places to be in september best places to travel on vacation best location to visit in september places to go this september places to go at best countries to travel to in the summer travel & places best place for visit in july go places to travel best places to go on trips best states to travel to in summer best places to go during september great vacation countries best best travel best places to vacation during summer best states to travel in summer best trip for summer vacation best places to travel to during the summer best places to visit this september countries to travel to in september places to vacation in the states best visiting place in september places to vacation during summer best places to in september places to visit in it best places to on vacation 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during july great places to visit in july best place to go september places to visit during july best destinations to travel to places to go on vacation to best places to go to in july best countries to visit during summer best place in july to visit great destination vacations best places to visit vacation best destinations to visit in july best location for travel places to go on vacation in september places to visit in is best place to travel for vacation countries best to visit great vacation locations best places in the states to visit great places to travel in july the best country for vacation a best place to visit places to travel for summer vacation trip best places tour best places best states to vacation to best vacation spots this summer great september vacations best place to vacation this summer vacation spots to go places to visit in the best places to summer vacation places to visit at great places to go in september best place for july vacation best countries to travel in summer summer trip places great countries to travel to best states to travel to in july travel destinations in july best places to visit for a vacation best countries to vacation to best travel places in summer best places to go on vacation in summer some places to go the best places to travel in september best countries to vacation in the best places to go travelling best destination place places to visit this season best place go places to go on trip best places to stay in september best states to travel in september great places to vacation in september best place to for vacation best summer vacation locations best countries to go in september summer vacation countries best countries to go to in september destinations to visit in september great states to travel to the best places to visit in september best places to vacation in the best states to travel to best vacation spots to visit best destination spots best places to go july best place to summer vacation best places to 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best vacation spots to visit in september places to go in september for vacation best a travel places to go to during summer best place visit in july best places to visit countries best places to travel to september best place to vacation september best states to visit september best spots for summer vacation great travel locations great places for summer vacation best place to go to in september best places visit in july destination places to visit places to go on vacation in july places visit in summer best place for travel in september best travel spots in september best places to visit in the country best places to go on vacation this summer places to go this july places to vacation in destination to visit in july best travel locations in september best destinations to go in september september tours places to go to in visiting places in september places to go on vacation this summer countries to travel in september places to stay in july best place for vacation in summer best 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best places to visit this september countries to travel to in september places to vacation in the states best visiting place in september places to vacation during summer best places to in september places to visit in it best places to on vacation places to go summer vacation the best place to travel in july best vacation spot for july best countries to travel in best vacation destination september best vacation places to go in september best summer trip destinations best vacation places in summer the best place to go for a vacation best vacation spots during september best visiting places in july summer trip destinations best place to travel in the states best trips for july best place to travel in best places to go in summer vacation best vacation places for summer best places to vacation during the summer best places travel in september the best place to go in september places to travel during september destination vacation spots best vacation locations in september best vacation in the states best countries to travel to in summer best destinations to travel to in september best places to vacation july best destinations to travel in summer trips for september best places for summer travel best travel place in july best travel destinations for july best places to travel in states the best place to go to vacation best travel september destinations best places to go for travelling places to travel during july september places to travel summer travel spots visit in september best places for travel in july best place visit in september great travel spots best vacation place in july great traveling solo to find yourself travel groups for singles over 40 travel groups for singles 30s travel groups for singles over 50 singles travel international best solo travel destinations 2021 travel tours for singles over 60 small group tours for single travellers solo travel solo trip solo travel for women travelling alone travel tips travel guide solo trips for women solo travel 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trip solo travel safety tips a solo trip travel for solo travelers trips to do alone safety tips while travelling going on a solo trip tips for women traveling alone guide to traveling alone places to go for a solo trip trips to take solo itinerary solo solo trips to take ultimate travel guide travel tips for women do you travel alone a solo traveler first solo travel safe places to travel solo trips you can take alone solo destinations books about traveling alone taking solo trips safe solo travel destinations places to go solo trip destination for solo trip travel alone holidays i want to go on a solo trip solo trip guide take your trip solo trip itinerary solo trip blog safe places for women to travel solo trip to go solo travel the ultimate travel guide trip planning guide want to travel alone safe solo trips places for women to travel alone the ultimate guide book places you can travel alone booking a solo holiday holiday destinations for solo travellers things to do while traveling alone solo travel safety travel alone destinations places to take a solo trip places to take solo trips books on solo travel safe places to travel for women first trip alone travel tips for solo travelers travel guide tips book solo trip solo travel destinations for women places to visit as a solo traveller places for a solo trip trip and tips solo traveling ke solo safe trips to take alone tips on solo travel safety during travel tips trip solo travel plans travel destinations for solo travelers travel safety guide places to go solo travelling safe to travel alone trip to solo places that are safe to travel alone going on solo trips safety tips for women traveling alone solo visit trips to do solo trip ke solo trip travellers i travel solo tips for solo trip places to visit on a solo trip about solo travel things to do on solo trip travel destinations for women when you travel alone book a solo trip places to go travelling alone visit alone places to travel to solo safe 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travel travel places to visit travel er best places to go in great travel places best places to travel in best places in summer to visit places visit in september best states to travel to in september best trips to go on places to visit in the is best places to travel during september best vacation places to visit best trips in july the best destination best places to travel during july great places to visit in july best place to go september places to visit during july best destinations to travel to places to go on vacation to best places to go to in july best countries to visit during summer best place in july to visit great destination vacations best places to visit vacation best destinations to visit in july best location for travel places to go on vacation in september places to visit in is best place to travel for vacation countries best to visit great vacation locations best places in the states to visit great places to travel in july the best country for vacation a best place 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places to visit in september best places to visit in july best vacation destinations best places to travel in september vacation spots best places to travel in july best states to visit places to visit in september best vacation places places to vacation best summer vacation spots best places to go in september great vacation spots best country to travel places to travel places to visit in july best travel great places to travel best places places to visit in places to visit in summer best places to go in july best places to visit in summer best countries to visit in september best places to vacation in september best states to travel to best travel locations best places to go summer destinations great places to visit best countries to visit in july best summer destinations summer vacation spots best places to travel in the summer summer vacation destinations best destinations condé nast traveller best places to vacation in july best september vacations great travel destinations places to go in july best travel spots places to travel in september places to go in best vacation spots in september the best country to visit best country for vacation the best place to travel best places to stay places to go in september best trips places to travel in july the best places to visit summer places to visit trip places places to go for summer vacation great places to go on vacation travel spots best places for summer vacation travel locations best states to visit in september best places to go travelling best vacation destinations in september summer vacation places vacation places to go the best vacation spots great places to vacation best place for trip september travel destinations best places to visit during summer best states to visit in july great summer vacation spots places to go during summer best destinations in september trip destinations best places to go in summer places to visit during summer september vacations best places to visit in great countries to visit 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What are some holiday destinations for solo travelers? You have the potential to form important connections with individuals you've just met when you're alone. When you travel alone, you're certain to encounter other kind travelers with similar interests with whom you might join forces when you need companionship. It's simple to have more engaging conversations, and you'll make friends far more quickly than you would at home or in a group. In this article, I will discuss some awesome holiday destinations for solo travelers.

Regardless of whether it's your first or twentieth solo journey, taking a trip by yourself may be quite nerve-wracking. We don't want a lack of companionship to deter you from taking a trip on your bucket list, so we've compiled a list of nations that are suitable for both first-time and experienced solo travelers. Destinations that are safe and where you can expect a warm welcome.

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Holiday destinations for solo travelers

So gather your confidence, purchase that ticket, and prepare to go on a once-in-a-lifetime solo travel journey. Let's find below 23 holiday amazing destinations for solo travelers

1. Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is breathtakingly gorgeous and lush, especially Ella, which is a must-see on every Sri Lanka itinerary. There's a little hippy feeling going on there. It's this length of the road, which has no more than ten huts on either side. It's also a backpacker's paradise, as one might expect. Because there aren't many places to hang out, it's easy to meet new individuals. It also attracts backpackers due to its attractiveness and laid-back atmosphere.

Taking the train from Colombo to Ella is the best way to get there. It's quite affordable, and the view is absolutely stunning. When you're on the train, hang out the door as well! No one is urging you not to go to the most popular place. It's an inexpensive, authentically local experience that you can enjoy even if you're alone.

2. Switzerland

Switzerland is recognized for its breathtaking beauty, and there is perhaps a no better way to view the country than by rail. Purchase a Swiss Travel Pass for unlimited rail, bus, and boat travel through breathtaking waterfalls, woods, and lakes, then disembark to trek the Alps, explore medieval castles, and sip Swiss wine.

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It's a no-brainer to indulge in the luscious, creamy delight in the nation that originated it. Take a chocolate-themed walking tour in Lucerne or Zürich, or visit one of the many world-famous chocolate manufacturers, instead of simply picking up a bar of Toblerone or Lindt at the nearby grocery shop.

3. Ireland

Some people might be shocked to learn that Northern Ireland is a great place for lone female travelers, but it's now quite safe – the difficulties are long gone. One of Ireland's strong strengths is hospitality. The Irish are extremely kind and inviting. You stroll into a pub and immediately make a large group of pals.


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For solitary female tourists, Belfast is far more doable than Dublin. It's just more relaxing and less stressful. When you're alone, you don't need as much stimulus, and you'll feel more at ease in Belfast. Don't forget to visit the Titanic Museum while you're there. Although I am not very interested in the Titanic, the exhibit was extremely well-designed, engaging, and interactive!

If you can go to western Ireland to experience some natural beauty, you should absolutely include it in your schedule.

4. Japan

Tokyo is the first stop. You'll never run out of things to do in the glitzy city, whether you go shopping in Ginza, ride to the top of one of the world's tallest towers, tour the Sens-ji Temple, eat ramen at Ichiran Shibuya (the famous chain serves steaming bowls of ramen at solo booths), or take a leisurely stroll through a traditional Japanese garden.


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Take a bullet train to Kyoto, where you'll discover a multitude of shrines, parks, and temples if you need a break from the noise and bustle. Because the tea ceremony originated in Kyoto, you might want to participate in it while you're there.

If your Japanese travels take you anywhere on the island, be sure to visit in the spring to view the beautiful cherry blossoms in bloom.

5. Singapore

I promise you've never been to a cleaner place than Singapore! They enforce a slew of prohibitions, including no littering, spitting, or chewing gum. It does, however, make for a pleasant stroll. Also, because English is one of the primary languages spoken there, you'll have no trouble communicating, making this an excellent choice for lone female travelers.

Supertree Grove is an amazing must-see. It boasts massive trees that light up to music at night. It's also open at all times. I have no qualms about going at 4 a.m. since Singapore is so safe.


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Singapore has a reputation for being outrageously expensive, but with some careful preparation and a concentration on free activities, you can save money here.

6. Iceland

There's a reason Iceland has consistently ranked among the hottest destinations in recent years: the country is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, with caverns and caves to explore, volcanoes and glaciers to hike, and geothermal spas to soak in — and since it's the world's most peaceful country, solo travelers can explore the country worry-free, according to a recent Global Peace Index report.

Consider taking a day excursion to the Blue Lagoon or going whale watching at Faxaflói Bay if you're visiting Reykjavik. Thingvellir National Park provides camping, hiking trails, horseback riding, and the freshwater Silfra fissure, which is regarded as one of the top diving places in the world, for people looking to get away from the city.


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7. Georgia

If you've already gone to Napa and Tuscany, genuine oenophiles should make a beeline for Georgia, a tiny Caucasus country that has been producing wine for longer than anywhere else on the planet. With 4,250 square miles of undulating vineyards, inviting wineries, outstanding local food, and reasonably priced lodgings, Kakheti is the country's premier wine region—and September happens to be the region's peak harvest season.

Twins Old Cellar, a family-run company where tourists may see the qvevri (ancient Georgian technique of making wine in clay pots) museum and sample three wines and chacha, should be your first stop on your tasting trip (a potent Georgian brandy).

Then take a 15-minute journey to Alaverdi Monastery, Georgia's winemaking center, to tour the 104-variety "vine library" and sample a glass of nutty amber khikhvi wine.

Drive to Kabadoni, a minimalist boutique hotel in the cobblestoned town of Sighnaghi, towards the conclusion of the day. It's the perfect place to sleep off your hangover thanks to the vineyard views, colorful Georgian rugs, and local food.

8. Costa Rica

Costa Rica topped a recent edition of the Happy Planet Index, which ranks 140 nations based on wellbeing, longevity, equality, and environmental impact. Costa Rica has a long life expectancy and generally high levels of happiness.

Costa Rica has long been known as the happiest country on the planet, and it's easy to see why: from whitewater rafting down the Reventazón River to ziplining through lush rainforests, rappelling down waterfalls, and hiking in Arenal Volcano National Park, there are plenty of outdoor activities to satisfy your adventurous spirit in Costa Rica.

If you need a break from the action, Arenal boasts hot springs to rest in, or you can visit Playa Manuel Antonio, a tropical beach in Manuel Antonio National Park, to enjoy the white beaches and animals.

9. Denmark

Denmark is another simple nation to navigate for lone tourists. Begin your journey in Copenhagen by visiting Nyhavn, where you can see the city's renowned wooden ships and colorful homes bordering the canal. After that, go for a walk through Tivoli Gardens. The renowned destination is known for its amusement park, but it also has floral gardens, bubble fountains, and an aquarium.

Shakespeare fans should visit Kronborg Castle, a UNESCO World Heritage site that inspired Hamlet's, Elsinore Castle. While you're there, get on the train to Hillerd and see Frederiksborg Castle, which houses the Danish Museum of National History.

10. Spain

In Spain, especially in Granada, the stunning architecture is the star of the show. It's not necessary to be with others to appreciate its calm blend of Eastern and Christian elements. The Alhambra, a magnificent fortification built in 889, is particularly worth seeing.


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In addition, Granada is safer than Madrid and Barcelona, where pickpockets must be avoided at all costs.

Other smaller cities, such as Málaga on the coast, are well worth seeing since they're ideal for solitary female travelers. You'll be able to view more of such locations without the dangers that larger cities provide.

11. Uruguay

This South American nation is ideal for individuals who just want to unwind by the sea and soak up some rays. Punta del Este is known for its beautiful beaches, such as Playa Mansa and Playa Brava, but if you want to avoid the throng, head to Jose Ignacio or Rocha.

Montevideo has plenty of beaches, and for those looking to combine sunbathing with culture, the capital has historical sites, museums, and traditional Candombe music and dance events.

12. Finland

It's easy to meet people in Finland as a solitary traveler, thanks to the companionship of the traditional sauna experience – the country has over 3 million saunas, from Helsinki to Tampere and Savonlinna.


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But Finland is more than just saunas. Beautiful architecture, museums, parks, marketplaces, and more can all be found in Helsinki, and they're all conveniently accessible by foot or public transportation. Travel to the coastlines to witness a beautiful assortment of lighthouses, or spend a day in a wooden town like Rauma or Loviisa. While summer is the ideal time to visit "The Land of the Midnight Sun," winter is the finest time to see the Northern Lights — and maybe even cross "riding a reindeer" off your bucket list.

13. Chile

Santiago is a contemporary metropolis that serves as an excellent starting point. From there, travel south through the Chilean fjords before arriving in Patagonia and Torres del Paine National Park, which provides magnificent trekking for both novice and experienced hikers. You'll get an urban experience, a cruise, and some of the greatest trekking in the world all in one vacation.

Adventure meets culture in Santiago, and the city is simple to travel to on foot or by bicycle. Hike St. Christopher Hill or Santa Lucia Hill for panoramic views of the capital, shop in the Bellavista neighborhood's boutique stores, cafés, and cocktail bars, or visit one of the city's numerous museums and art galleries.

Visit the beaches of La Serena or Tongo for a more relaxing holiday, or go wine tasting in one of Chile's finest wine areas.

14. Austria

For lone travelers with a passion for culture, Austria is a must-see. Attend a concert at the State Opera House or the Musikverein to see why Vienna is regarded as the City of Music. In addition, the city has over 100 museums to visit in between enjoying the typical Viennese café culture. Fans of the musical The Sound of Music may take themed tours of Salzburg and finish their journey by seeing Mozart's Birthplace and ascending to the top of Hohensalzburg Fortress for spectacular views of the city.


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But Austria isn't only about art, gastronomy, and culture; it's also about adventure. Austria is Avin Kline's favorite solo travel location. He is a long-time digital nomad and the founder of the web development business Success Agency. Though he usually travels with his wife and two children, he does occasionally go out on his own from their home base in Florence, especially when it includes his favorite pastime: bungee jumping.

15. Germany

Germany features a number of important cities that are easily accessible to independent travelers. Explore the city's variety of museums, historical monuments, cafés, nightclubs, and parks by bike in Berlin. Munich is certainly worth a visit at Oktoberfest, but if you'd rather escape the throng, the city's beer gardens are open all year. In the increasingly popular city of Frankfurt, you'll find an eclectic mix of museums, cafés, shops, restaurants, and even a botanical park.

You should also think about taking a side trip to see some of Germany's famed castles, which number over 20,000. Visiting any of Germany's stunning ancient castles, from the Gothic-style Liechtenstein Castle to the dramatic Neuschwanstein Castle, will make you feel like you've walked into a fairy tale.

16. New Zealand

New Zealand is a favorite destination for solo travelers, backpackers, and outdoor enthusiasts – maybe because it is the world's second most tranquil country, according to the Global Peace Index.

The nation is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts and one of the greatest places to meet like-minded people. Take a cruise through Milford Sound's fjords, rainforests, and waterfalls; heli-hike Franz Josef Glacier; climb part (or all) of the Tongariro Alpine Crossing; see the Waitomo Glowworm Caves; or go whale-watching in the Bay of Plenty.

Take a day excursion to Waiheke Island for wine tours or visit the Hobbiton Movie Set to walk the real-life version of The Shire if you need a break from all your adventures. You won't miss having a travel companion with so much to do.

17. Vietnam

In Vietnam, there is no end to the adventure. Take a cruise through Bai Tu Long Bay, which is home to some of the world's most stunning blue water and natural landscapes; take a guided tour of Hang Snong, the world's largest natural cave; visit Hi An during the full moon and be greeted by the awe-inspiring sight of hundreds of lanterns floating down the Thu Bn River during the city's monthly full moon festival.


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In Ho Chi Minh City, sample street cuisine at Bn Thành Market, one of the city's oldest surviving structures, and learn more about the Vietnam War on a visit to the War Remnants Museum and the Cu Chi Tunnels. Visit Hanoi and enjoy a leisurely stroll around Hoàn Kim Lake to see the capital's remarkable historical and cultural monuments.

18. The USA

Whether you choose a solo trek through America's magnificent National Parks or a laid-back getaway to Florida's beaches, you'll find lots to enjoy on solitary travels around the country. Even if you're a citizen, straying off the usual route can quickly remind you that domestic travel in the United States is far from boring.

While there is enough to see and do from sea to shining sea, you don't have to stick to the mainland: Hawaii, the US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and even American Samoa are all worth visiting. There's enough adventure to be had, especially on your own, with such a diverse landscape.

19. The Netherlands

The Netherlands is an excellent destination for first-time solo travelers to get their feet wet. Do like the locals do in Amsterdam, with its laid-back and welcoming culture: get around by bike. Begin in Vondelpark, a prominent urban park, then ride to world-famous institutions like the Van Gogh Museum, traveling through the city's lovely canals and bridges.

If you visit Holland between mid-April and the first week of May, you'll be greeted with a spectacular display of tulips, the country's most popular flower. The Keukenhof, often known as the Garden of Europe, is a tulip garden located just outside of Amsterdam with approximately 7 million bulbs and 800 kinds. Alternatively, visit Noordoostpolder during its annual Tulip Festival to witness the Netherlands' biggest tulip field.

20. Mexico

When it comes to picking a place for a solo travel journey, nothing beats suggestions from experienced solo travelers who have traveled the globe.

People might be shocked to learn that Mexico is my favorite place for solo travel. You can spend even months trekking throughout the area, and there's still so much to see and do. There is no shortage of things to do and see, from swimming with whale sharks to swimming in cenotes to touring old Mayan ruins.

Johnson has visited cities and villages throughout Mexico, including Mexico City, Tulum, Puebla, Oaxaca, San Cristóbal de las Casas, and La Paz. "As a lone traveler, I've appreciated how well-developed the region's backpacker infrastructure is," she adds. "The culture is diverse, the people are welcoming, and the food will entice you to come back for more." On the Happy Planet Index, Mexico was recently placed second out of 140 countries.

21. Norway

Summer is a great time to visit Norway because of the nicer weather and plenty of outdoor attractions and activities. Walking, cycling, or taking public transit are all options for exploring Oslo's various museums, restaurants, and parks. Alternatively, book a cabin aboard a Hurtigruten coastal ship (no single supplement!) and go on a multi-day trip through the country's famed fjords, stopping at several ports of call along the magnificent coastline to hike, kayak, dog-sled, and more. You'll even cross the Arctic Circle, which is another bucket-list item to mark off your list.

If experiencing the Northern Lights is at the top of your bucket list, a trip to Norway between November and March will put you in the middle of the aurora borealis season. Head to the center of the aurora zone, the city of Troms, for the best views of the natural phenomenon.

22. Albania

Albania is an up-and-coming destination for single travelers due to its friendly population and beautiful environment. If you go to the Blue Eye spring in Saranda, you'll see some of the world's bluest, purest water. Because the water may be too cold to swim in, travel to the Albanian coast for some fun and sun on one of the country's many lovely beaches, or bathe in Permet's Benja Thermal Baths, which are reputed to have therapeutic characteristics.

You might also wish to take a day excursion to Berat, which is known as the "town of a thousand windows" for its gorgeous architecture. You'll immediately understand why the city has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage site, from the Ottoman-era architecture and medieval fortress to the mosques and Holy Trinity Church.

23. Scotland

To keep things interesting, there's wonderful history, outdoor activities, folklore, customs, and contemporary political issues. Glasgow and Edinburgh are two extremely diverse and active cities, while the Isle of Skye is unrivaled in terms of natural beauty.

There's also golf, it's a fantastic, safe, comfortable, intriguing place with breathtaking scenery.

Are you feeling brave? Visit Urquhart Castle in the Scottish Highlands to search for Loch Ness' mythical underwater monster, and while you're there, view the legendary underwater monster at Loch Ness.

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